Sunday, December 12, 2010


Cabot simply cannot rest until he has disturbed everyone else's rest. It's not enough to wake one of us up to put him outside; he'll sit on the couch with his chosen victim for only so long before deciding that he has tired of the present company and needs to wake someone else. Sometimes he can be distracted with breakfast. One of his odd little morning habits is that he has to have something in his mouth. It used to be an old towel that we'd leave by the back door to use for drying him and Hogarth off if they had gotten rained on while outside doing their business, but that got eaten and spread around in the backyard as Cabot, well.... did his business. These days he retrieves one of his Nylabones, the only dog toy in existence that can withstand his powerfully destructive jaws for more than a few hours. So, when he's ready to engorge himself with breakfast, he "parks" the Nylabone.

The "placemat" under the bowls is actually a welcome mat that says "Beware: dog can't hold his licker."

Eating doesn't take long with Cabot's voracious appetite and he is soon looking for another distraction. That often ends up being Hogarth, who really just wants to be left alone in front of the fireplace, relaxing on his new $4.00 blanket from the Thrift Shop. The new blanket, I might add, that was purchased to replace the old one destroyed by (guess who!!) Cabot.

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